Monday, December 2, 2019

Utilitarian View on Abortion free essay sample

Utilitarianism is the thought that actions are right if they benefit or bring happiness to a majority of the population. A utilitarian’s view on abortion could be that it is a good thing or a bad thing. They could argue that there is overpopulation in today’s society and around the world people are starving and going thirsty because of overpopulation. A utilitarian would say it would benefit the world’s population if a baby was aborted rather than taking another persons food. Another argument a utilitarian would make is that if a couple could not raise that child or would be alone (single parent) it would be better if they are aborted because it would put less of a burden on society having the mother not be on a welfare or government assistance lessening taxes for others and having the child from a broken home could raise crime and drug addiction having the baby aborted would prevent this from happening. We will write a custom essay sample on Utilitarian View on Abortion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also some studies show that having a baby decreases happiness in relationships and sometimes breaks people up it could be argued that if an unplanned pregnancy were terminated the couple would be happier and when they wanted a child would love that child more. An unloved child would act out and cause a burden on the rest of society. Utilitarian’s would be against abortion if it were damaging society. If there were a low in the amount of babies being born because of abortions it would damage society as a whole because we need people to sustain society. Or if we found that unborn babies sensed the pain of an abortion it would be against utilitarian view because the group of babies was feeling pain. Also an abortion could bring about the death of a great person that affects humanity. What if Einstein was aborted or what if bill gates was aborted? Humanity would be significantly different without those individuals and with that society, as a whole would be affected negatively by abortion. I think that utilitarian’s views on abortion are both correct and incorrect. Babies born to single parents or poor households can increase the probability that that child will become a criminal or a detriment to society. There is a problem with overpopulation in the world and the abortion of unwanted children would help. Society as a whole could benefit from abortions in certain cases. I don’t think everyone who has an unplanned pregnancy should go out and get an abortion because if so many of the great minds of our generation would be but dirt in the ground. A teenage girl who gets pressured into an abortion because of all these statistics could suffer serious depression and issues and would never know if her unborn child could have been the next LeBron James or millionaire who reaches great success even though they suffered through hardships early in there life. A utilitarian view is just unrealistic and there is no way to see if it would benefit society or hurt it. Human potential is endless and people seem to succeed through many hardships daily we should not kill an innocent child because of statistics. You never know what could happen in the future if I have a child they could be the smartest person in the history of the world I would be against abortion if it were my own child. I think people should have a choice to do what they want and the government should not tell people what they can and cannot do with there bodies. Utilitarianism looks too much towards the future and how society will be impacted but there is no way to really know what will happen. You could not allow an abortion to a poor unloving family and that person could become a great influence on humanity or you could allow the abortion and never know. There’s no way to really know if a child will grow up to be a criminal or a great person or just an ordinary person who contributes to keep society moving. People should make there own decisions and if that hurts the rest of society so be it. We cannot foresee the future so utilitarian’s should stop trying to and should start trying to cope with the problems society will face.

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