Thursday, November 7, 2019

Freedom Of Religion essays

Freedom Of Religion essays "You don't get harmony when everybody sings the same note" (Doug Floyd) Harmony is diversity. In music, people sing different notes combined creating a complete, layered sound. In life, its the same way. All different types of people, religions, views, and opinions are what make the world what it is today. The First Amendment guarantees us the freedom of speech, religion, press and free assembly. If it wasn't for this amendment we would not be able to have freedom of religion - meaning we would have to believe in a god or power that the government would tell us to believe in. This amendment allows us to worship freely and is one of the benefits of being an American. But what happens when someone steps in and says that someone praising their god is wrong? Should they be punished or is it their right to worship what or who they choose? What happens when one person praising their god is offensive to other people? "As long has they do not break my arm or pick my pocket, it is of little c onsequence what they believe and that was what freedom of religion is all about."(Thomas Jefferson) The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States give every american the same rights. One right is the constitutional protection for the free exercise of religion. The second right is prohibition of the establishment of religion by the state. The people who founded this Constitution recognized it as one of the most important factors in a democracy. The founders also found a space of freedom between the government and the people. Which means that the government is not allowed to tell a group of people what they can or cannot believe in or do. Sadly, The government is not honoring their side of the constitution. The government is stating that prayer being allowed in schools violates others beliefs and others right of their own religion. Prayer is in fact legal in public schools and other places such as church and prayer in stores, etc. What is no...

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